About Ritchie Sinclair & Broňa Wingell
“Our artistic effort is both a personal approach to Spirit and ideally a
source of inspiration to others. The theme of our art is love.”
Ritchie Sinclair, of Scottish Lineage from Thunder Bay, Canada, apprenticed with shaman artist, Norval Morrisseau, and is a founding member of the Thunderbird School of Shamanistic Art.
Broňa Wingell from Bratislava, Slovakia, now resides in Toronto, Canada. She has a deep reverence for the spirit in all things and paints for the beauty inherent in the process. The two partners-in-love paint, teach and exhibit together.
They have just completed two, soon to be published, art books together, "White Magic: Vibrational Art for the Child Within." and "The Nature of Spirit": A Vibrational Art Coloring Book.
As painters they have collaborated on several large murals and regularly showcase their collaborative and individual art at La Boheme Gallery Cafe in Toronto. They held a major joint-exhibition of their work at the French Alliance (Alliance Francaise) in Toronto, March 2015.
Read more about Ritchie Sinclair and Brona Wingell
Lovescape Ritchie Sinclair – Brona Wingell Acrylic fluorescent, iridescent and copper leaf on four canvas panels 60” x 144”, 152cm x 366cm, 2014 *** |
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